Individual Therapy - Odyssey Wellness Center
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Individual Therapy

Exploring recent and long-term issues that lead to negative thoughts and emotions.

Individual therapy focuses on developing new and more effective coping strategies for handling challenges and difficulties. It aims to increase a general sense of well-being through gaining a better understanding of the individual’s emotional functioning.


When you embark on your journey with Odyssey Wellness, you’ll begin one-on-one counseling sessions with your therapist to explore recent and/or long-term issues that lead to negative thoughts and emotions and will work towards identifying and developing more positive or balanced perspectives.


Individual therapy will help you develop self-awareness, self-acceptance, and effective problem-solving skills to enable you to create and manage change. By arriving to therapy with a team-work attitude—your therapist will help you—work through difficulties, define your goals, and begin to make progress towards achieving them. You’ll learn more about how your mind works, how your beliefs shape your behavior, and how this reflects on your internal and external environment.


Our clinicians are highly experienced in working through ongoing mental health difficulties with clients to.


Contact the office for additional information.

Call 702-202-0000  

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