Multi-Cultural Counseling - Odyssey Wellness Center
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Multi-Cultural Counseling

Celebrating diversity, building relationships, and finding solutions together.

We understand our clients have unique needs and we’re proud of our experience delivering treatment programs to racially and ethnically diverse members of society. At Odyssey Wellness, we realize the key roles that culture, identity, ethnicity, race, gender, and social factors play for each individual in their life and in the therapy process. Therefore, we tailor our treatment approach to respect our client’s values, or religious beliefs as well as their personal qualities and strengths.


Research shows that minority groups are under-represented in the U.S. in terms of accessing mental health services. As counselors and therapists from a range of ethnic backgrounds, we recognize the unique challenges experienced by minorities in society individuals, families, and children. We invite open and honest communication about culture, race, ethnicity, and gender issues that are relevant to our clients.


We believe a flexible counseling approach is needed to meet the evolving needs of our multi-cultural society. Therefore, we conduct counseling and therapy sessions with awareness, consideration, and compassion. Acknowledging the unique characteristics of each of our clients.


Working with multi-cultural clients we emphasize individualism and appropriate interactions within the counseling relationship. Our treatment interventions acknowledge and respect different communication styles, values, beliefs, and life experiences—to accommodate racially and culturally diverse individuals. We strive to create a trusting relationship in a comfortable environment for each of our clients. We’re dedicated to helping you find appropriate solutions to enhance your individual well-being, and your relationships within family and the wider community.

Questions? Email us for an immediate response.